First Steps Discipleship Class
Sundays @ 9:30 am
Are you thinking about becoming a church member, but you would like to know more about what our church believes? Are you a member but have never taken the class or would like a refresher on the basics of our Faith Here is your chance to take a class on just that. Our First Steps Class runs for 7 weeks at 9:30 am on Sundays during the Sunday School hour. We will begin a new class on Sunday, January 19. See Ron and Diana Schonschek for questions or details.
College & Youth Super Bowl Party
Sunday, February 9 @ 4:30 pm
Meeting at Mark & Pam Pierce’s house. Lesson, games, fellowship and good food. Come join us and watch the Superbowl.
Mixed Bowling League
Every Other Saturday @ 4 pm
Do you keep seeing the Mixed Bowling League in the bulletin every other week and wished you had joined? Now is your chance to join. We are looking for two more bowlers to finish out the year. See Randy Cagwin or Steve Schramme for details.